Petunia “Purple edge” (20)

€ 0,45

Hoogte: 40 cm.

Bloeit: jul-nov

Type: TA-TP

Winterhard in: zones 8-11 (0 C)


Dieppaarse bloemen met een wit randje. Ideaal voor in potten en hangmanden.


Zaai-instructies: Kiem in 2-3 wk, 21-27C. Lichtkiemer

Plant-instructies: Veel water/voeding. Zon/halfschaduw




Deep purple flowers with a white edge. Ideal for pots and hanging baskets


Height: 40 cm.

Flowers: jul-nov

Type: TA-TP

Hardy in: zones 8-11 (0 Celsius)


Sowing instructions: Sow late winter to mid spring at 21-27C on the surface of a good seed compost. Keep damp and not wet. Do not exclude light, sealing in a polythene bag after sowing is helpful. Germination usually takes 10-21 days.

Planting instructions: Feed and water regularly. Full sun or partial shade.