Scabiosa ochroleuca - Gele scabiosa (15)
Hoogte: 80 cm.
Bloeit: jul-sep
Type: HA / HP
Winterhard in: zones 5-9 (-15 C)
Sierlijke plant met zachtgele bloemen op lange stelen. Goede snijbloem en vlinder- en bijenplant.
Zaai-instructies: kiemt in 4-6 weken, 18-20C
Plant-instructies: goeddoorlatende grond, zon of halfschaduw
Many double looking flowers of a soft creamy yellow. The flower display is airy and open and the flowers mix well with other nearby plants. Attractive lacy foliage with tall upright stems that have many flowers produced over a few months in late summer and fall. The flowers are on tall wiry stems and plants keep on blooming even after a frost. Attracts pollinating insects.
Height: 80 cm.
Flowers: jul-sep
Type: HA / HP
Hardy in: zones 5-9 (-15 Celsius)
Sowing instructions: Sow Apr-May outdoors where they are to flower. Prepare the ground well and rake to a fine tilth before sowing. Sow 3 mm. deep. Alternatively, sow under cover at 18-20C.
Planting instructions: welldrained soil in full sun or partial shade