Salvia apiana - Witte, Californische salie (10)

€ 0,45

De bossige planten vormen stevige stengels met poederig grijsgroen blad. Bijen en andere insecten zijn gek op de bloei! Verder gebruik: voor huidwassing, natuurlijke deo en als kruidige thee.

Hoogte: 70 cm
Bloeit: apr-mei
Type: HP
Winterhard in: zones 5-9 (-15 Celsius)

Zaai-instructies: Feb-mar. Kiemt in 7-21 dagen bij 15-20 Celsius

Plant-instructies: Goeddoorlatende grond. Volle zon of halfschaduw


The beautiful white foliage of this plant sets off the silvery flowering spikes. This is the most highly valued and revered of all North American Sages, burned ceremonially to cleanse the spirit and welcome positive thoughts. Foliage is light green to white when the plant is young, and turns very white as the plant matures, and especially after drying the leaves. The characteristic perfume of this plant is sweet and penetrating. Insects love it too.

Height: 70 cm
Flowers: apr-may
Type: HP
Hardy in: zones 5-9 (-15 Celsius)

Sowing instructions: Feb-Mar. Sow in trays, pots, etc of good seed compost in a propagator or warm place to maintain an optimum temperature of 15-20 Celsius. Surface sow and just cover with vermiculite. Germination can take up to 7-21 days

Planting instructions: Prefers a well drained soil. Full sun or partial shade