Paeonia delavayi var. lutea - Boompioen (2)

€ 0,45


Mooie soort met rijk, groen blad en goudgele blomen op sterke, lange stengels. Daarna paarszwarte zaden. Zaaddozen zijn rood wanneer ze openspringen.

Hoogte: 150 cm.

Bloeit: mei-jun

Type: HShr

Winterhard in: zones 5-9 (-15 Celsius)

Zaai-instructies: Zaden voorzichtig met vijl bewerken. Kiem duurt een jaar. Zet zaden in vochtig zand in de schaduw.

Plant-instructies: Volle zon, voedzame en niet te droge grond

Waarschuwing: delen van de plant zijn giftig.



A lovely species with foliage consisting of several rich-green leaflets and all held rigid stems. Flowers are golden-yellow with conspicuous stamens and last longer than usual for Paeonia. Deep-purple/black seeds follow which are held in a bright crimson-red receptacle on opening. Lasts for many weeks if the birds don't take them!

Height: 150 cm.

Flowers: may-jun

Type: HShr

Hardy in: zones 5-9 (-15 Celsius)

Sowing instructions: seed coats. Shake in dry sharp sand or nick carefully with a file. Slow germinator - up to a year or more. Store seeds in layers of moist sand in the shade. Check seeds regularly in the spring, and sow them all as soon as radicles appear

Planting instructions: Full sun and rich, not too dry

Warning: parts of the plant are poisonous