Nepeta grandiflora - Kattenkruid (15)
Mooie vaste plant voor de border met kolven van roze of blauwe bloemen en grijsgroen blad. Mooi in grotere groepjes bij elkaar. Bloeit lang door en lokt insecten de tuin in.
Hoogte: 60 cm.
Bloeit: jun-aug
Type: HP
Winterhard in: zones 3-7 (-25 Celsius)
Zaai-instructies: van mrt-sep. Kiemt in 7-21 dagen bij 16-20 Celsius.
Plant-instructies: Zet de planten op een zonnige, niet te natte plaats.
Catmints add a lovely, soft, floppy, gentle touch to cottage gardens, and this hazy, mauve-flowering form has characteristically nettle-like, grey-green foliage. It looks best in long drifts, for example, edging a bed of roses, or encircling a fountain. After the first burst of flowers, shear over the growth to get a second crop of leaves and flowers.
Height: 60 cm.
Flowers: jun-aug
Type: HP
Hardy in: zones 3-7 (-25 Celsius)
Sowing instructions: Sow spring to autumn. Sow in good free draining seed compost, just covering the seed with compost. Germination usually takes 7-21 days at 16-20 Celsius. The seed can also be sown in spring where it is to flower in a well raked moist seed bed.
Planting instructions: When the seedlings are large enough to handle transplant into 8cm pots, grow cool and finally plant out 30cm apart into a sunny spot in free draining soil. Overwinter autumn sown plants in a well ventilated coldframe and plant out in spring.