Lysimachia punctata - Puntwederik (25)

€ 0,45

Hoogte: 80 cm.
Bloeit: jul-sep
Type: HP
Winterhard in: zones 4-9 (-20 C)

Bloeit met grote hoeveelheden diepgoudgele bloemen op sterke stengels.

Zaai-instructies: Kiemt in 1-4 maanden bij 13-15 Celsius.
Plant-instructies: Goeddoorlatende maar niet te droge grond, volle zon of halfschaduw.
Waarschuwing: Kan woekeren


Large Yellow Loosestrife has been a cottage garden favourite since ancient times. Stiff spikes of funnel-shaped golden flowers appear throughout the summer and early autumn.

Height: 80 cm.
Flowers: jul-sep
Type: HP
Hardy in: zones 4-9 (-20 Celsius)

Sowing instructions: Sow in trays, pots, etc of good seed compost in a propagator or warm place to maintain an optimum temperature of 13-15C. Surface sow using peat/sand mix seed compost. Germination usually takes 1-4 months

Planting instructions: full sun or part shade. Prefers a moist, well drained soil.

Warning: can be invasive