Lilium tigrinum - Tijgerlelie (15)
Hoogte: 100 cm.
Bloeit: jul-sep
Type: HHP
Winterhard in: zones 6-10 (-10 C)
Zoetgeurende bloemen en opvallende donkere stippen. Zorgt voor veel pracht en praal in de tuin.
Zaai-instructies: kiemt in 1-12 mnd, 18-23C; kiemt onregelmatig.
Plant-instructies: volle zon, halfschaduw
Waarschuwing: Stuifmeel is giftig
The petals of this lily are bright orange, spotted with purple and arch gracefully back adding interesting shapes as well as vibrant colour to your border. They are prolific bloomers and very hardy, often producing a dozen or more flowers per plant they will multiply to provide increased beauty every year.
Height: 100 cm.
Flowers: jul-sep
Type: HHP
Hardy in: zones 6-10 (-10 C)
Sowing instructions: Germination in 30-365 days, can be quite irregular and erratic. Sometimes stratification is necessary.
Planting instructions full sun or partial shade. Donot overwater.
Warning: Pollen are poisonous