Liatris spicata alba (15)

€ 0,45


Bloeit van boven naar beneden. Sterke snijbloem. Je maakt een geneeskrachtige thee van de wortel. Helpt tegen nieraan-doeningen en keelontsteking. Trekt bijen aan.


Hoogte: 60 cm.

Bloeit: aug-sep

Type: HP

Winterhard in: zones 3-10 (-25 Celsius)


Zaai-instructies: Kiemt in 3-5 weken bij 20-25 Celsius


Plant-instructies: Gewone tuinaarde in volle zon of halfschaduw





Dense blazingstar is one of the most popular prarie natives. The tall spikes of white flowers attract bees and butterflies, and the maturing seed heads attract birds. Equally at home in a wildflower garden or a more formal border.


Height: 60 cm.

Flowers: aug-sep

Type: HP

Hardy in: zones 3-10 (-25 Celsius)


Sowing instructions: Sow in trays, pots, etc of good seed compost in a propagator or warm place to maintain an optimum temperature of 20-25C. Sow in well drained compost, just covering the seed with compost. Reduce the soil temperature at night during germination


Planting instructions: Plant in ordinary garden soil in full sun or partial shade