Iris foetidissima - Stinkende lis (10)

€ 0,45

Het enige wat ?stinkt? is het gekneusde blad. De zacht mauve bloemen zijn prachtig, net als de besjes in de herfst.  Een tip voor de herfsttafel!

Hoogte: 60-90 cm.
Bloeit: jun-jul
Type: HP
Winterhard in: zones 6-7-8-9-10 (-10 Celsius)

Zaai-instructies: feb-apr. Geef koudebehandeling. Kiemt in 1-3 maanden bij 15-18 Celsius.

Plant-instructies: Geef ze een lekker vochtig plekje in de tuin. Zon of halfschaduw.

Waarschuwing: gedeeltes van de plant zijn giftig.


This is a beautiful plant with some unfortunate names, which arises from the odour emitted from the flowers, but only noticeable at close range. The flowers are, in fact, rather beautiful and, in this case, palest blue. And the seed pods that follow are possibly this plant?s greatest asset, splitting open in the autumn to reveal bright ornge seed, which remain for more than a month.

Height: 60-90 cm.
Flowers: jun-jul
Type: HP
Hardy in: zones  ( Celsius)

Sowing instructions: Sow from late winter to spring. For best results the seeds should be pre-chilled before sowing. To do this sow the seeds just below the surface of any good compost. Seal the seeds and container inside a polythene bag and place in a fridge (not freezer) for 3 weeks. Then place in a temperature of 15-18C. Germination should take 1-3 months after this the bag can be removed.

Planting instructions: Sun or partial shade. Soil must be moist most of the time.

Warning: Parts of plant are poisonous if ingested