Hosta sieboldiana - Hartlelie (15-20)

€ 0,45

Hoogte: 50 cm.

Bloeit: jul-aug

Type: HP

Winterhard in: zones 4-9 (-20C)


Het grote, blauwgroene, gerimpelde, berijpte blad is een mooie achtergrond voor klokvormige, bijna witte bloemen.


Zaai-instructies: Zaai in herfst, zet buiten. Kiem in lente (onregelmatig)

Plant-instructies: (Half)schaduw, niet droog. Bescherm tegen slakken!




Description: The queen of all the large blue hostas, Hosta sieboldiana makes a bold statement in the garden. Introduced in 1905 it is one of the most popular varieties, and is still the standard for steely foliage. Grown primarily for its beautiful foliage which provides colour, contrast and texture, the huge, sculptural, corrugated blue-green leaves make good ground cover and are great for under planting.


Height: 50 cm.

Flowers: jul-aug

Type: HP

Hardy in: zones 4-9 (-20 Celsius)


Sowing instructions: Sow in autumn and put outside. Will germinate in spring (irregularly)


Planting instructions: (Partial) shade, not dry. Beware of snails and slugs!