Gentiana lutea - Gele gentiaan (10-15)
Hoogte: 100 cm.
Bloeit: aug-sep
Type: HP
Winterhard in: zones 3-9 (-25 Celsius)
Sierlijke plant met opvallende bladnerven en gele bloemtros. Wortel wordt tegen maag-/darmaandoeningen gebruikt.
Zaai-instructies: zaai in het najaar, zet buiten. Kiemt in de lente.
Plant-instructies: humusrijk, niet te droog, zon/halfschaduw
Description: Herbaceous perennial native to the mountain meadows of central and southern Europe and Asia Minor. Rare and protected in its native habitat. The flowers are rich yellow, the herbage is succulent and the root is the premier official bitter tonic, which is used to treat stomach problems.
Height: 100 cm.
Flowers: aug-sep
Type: HP
Hardy in: zones 3-9 (-25 Celsius)
Sowing instructions: sow in autumn and put outside. Germination will occur in spring.
Planting instructions: not too dry soil in full sun or partial shade.