Dierama pulcherrimum - Engelhengel (10)

€ 0,45

Hoogte: 150 cm.

Bloeit: jul-sep

Type: HBlb

Winterhard in: zones 6-10 (-10C)


Betoverende, felrose klokjesbloemen aan ijle stengels uit een pol grasachtig blad.


Zaai-instructies: Kiem in 1-3 mnd, 15-20C.

Plant-instructies: In 1e jaar vorstvrij overwinteren. Goeddoorlatende grond, volle zon.




Description: A graceful, evergreen perennial, with arching stems of bell-shaped, pale pink to magenta or occasionally white flowers which seem to dangle above the clumps of grass-like foliage. The stems look delicate, but are actually very tough and appear to tremble in the breeze. Angel's fishing rod is perfect for introducing movement to your border.


Height: 150 cm.

Flowers: jul-sept

Type: HBlb

Hardy in: zones 6-10 (-10 Celsius)


Sowing instructions: Sow at any time 5mm deep in a warm spot outside or in a propagator at between 15 and 20 Celsius. Germination takes from one to three months.


Planting instructions: Keep frost-free and moist the first winter as dieramas are essentially evergreen plants, and must not be dried out, and should be kept growing when young. Plant out young plants the following spring in well drained soil in full sun.