Dianthus carthusianorum - Karthuizer Anjer (20)

€ 0,45

Hoogte: 25 cm.

Bloeit: jul-aug

Type: HP

Winterhard in: zones 5 tot 9 (-15 Celsius)



Vernoemd naar de kloostertuinen van Karthuizer monniken, waar vroeger dit heerlijk geurende bloemetje werd geteeld



Zaai-instructies: kiem in 1-3 wk, 18-23C.

Plant-instructies: Zon, halfschaduw.




This perennial sprouts tufts of grey-green, grass-like leaves, above which it bears clusters of delicate, pink-red scented flowers on upright, wiry stems.



Height: 25 cm.

Flowers: jul-aug

Type: HP

Hardy in: zones 5 to 9 (-15 Celsius)


Sowing instructions: Sow in May-June outdoors in a moist, well forked and raked seed bed. Sow thinly, 1cm deep in drills spaced 15cm apart. Keep seed bed well watered in dry weather.


Planting instructions: No special requirements. Full sun or partial shade