Aster novae-angliae - Herfstaster (15-20)
De paarse bloemen blijven tot ver in de herfst komen en zijn populair bij bijv. dagpauwoog en atalanta. Maar ook andere insecten waarderen de bloemen.
Hoogte: 160 cm.
Bloeit: jul-okt
Type: HP
Winterhard in: 3-8 (-25 Celsius)
Zaai-instructies: Zaai in okt-nov en zet zaaisel buiten. In voorjaar volgt kieming.
Plant-instructies: Volle zon of halfschaduw, niet te droge grond.
Flowers from late summer through to autumn and bears a prolific display of fine-rayed violet-purple daisies. The needle-fine petals radiate from a central golden crown. A naturally tall plant, it is best grown through twiggy support to prevent unruly growth, providing a regal purple splash of colour to the back of the autumn border when many other perennials have finished flowering. Attractive to bees and butterflies.
Height: 160 cm.
Flowers: sep-oct
Type: HP
Hardy in: 3-8 (-25 Celsius)
Sowing instructions: Sow in oct-nov and put outside. Germination will occur in spring.
Planting instructions: full sun or partial shade. Does not like too much drought.