Allium karataviense - Puinlook (10-15)

€ 0,45


Bloeit op een korte stengel, die nauwelijks bovende bladeren uitkomt. Het blad is licht gestreept, wat op zich al mooi is om tezien. Leent zich om in grote groepen te worden geplant, vooraan in de border.





Hoogte: 20 cm.

Bloeit: mei-juni


Winterhard in: zones  7-8-9-10 (-5 Celsius)


Zaai-instructies: jan-feb binnen. Mrt-aprbuiten


Plant-instructies:Doet het invrijwel alle soorten grond, behalve de meest extreme. Zonof halfschaduw. Regelmatig voeding geven.





This unassuming Allium deserves a specials pot in the garden. It is pretty short, as far as alliums are concerned, almost dwarf in size and it is a real nice specimen plant requiring a location right in front of the garden, as it might get lost if planted amongst taller plants.The flowers, which are slightly scented, and the globe-shaped inflorescence (florets), are a pale greenish colour, with a hint of white, or even pink,depending on the light. The foliage looks kind of velvety, with a bit of a shimmering quality, too. Very pretty!


Height: 20 cm.

Flowers: may-jun


Hardy in: zones  7-8-9-10 (-5 Celsius)


Sowing instructions: Sow mid Jan-Feb under glass for transplanting. SowMar-Apr outdoors. For earliest crops sow 1cm deep, in pots or modules of goodseed compost at 15 Celsius under glass or in a propagator. For maincrops, sowthinly in a prepared seedbed outdoors or under glass


Planting instructions: Willgrow on any ordinary soil in full sun or part shade but needs to be fed everyonce in a while