Agastache nepetoides - Dropplant (25)
Hoogte : 160 cm.
Bloeit : aug-sep
Type : HP
Winterhard in : zones 4-9 (-20 C)
Een reus binnen deze plantenfamilie. Op z’n best achter in de border. Groenige, aarvormige bloeiwijzen. Lokt bestuivers.
Zaai-instructies : Kiemt in 30-90 dagen bij 15-20 C.
Plant-instructies : Lichte, goeddoorlatende grond. Volle zon of halfschaduw
An enormous monster for the back of the border. Massive, chunky square section stems carry nine inch spikes of creamy yellow-green flowers much loved by bees.
Height : 160 cm.
Flowers : aug-sep
Type : HP
Hardy in : zones 4-9 (-20 Celsius)
Sowing instructions : Sow into pots or trays on the surface of moist seed compost, do not cover seed. Place in a propagator or warm place and keep at a constant temperature of between 15-20C. After sowing do not exclude light as this helps germination. Keep the surface of the compost moist but not waterlogged, germination will usually take 30-90 days.
Planting instructions : For best results, provide a light, well drained soil