Aconitum napellus rubellum - Monnikskap (10+)
Hoogte: 100 cm.
Bloeit: mei-jun
Type: HP
Winterhard in: zones 5-9 (-15 C)
hoge stengels versierd met wit/roze bloemen. Het handvormig blad is glanzend donkergroen.
Zaai-instructies: Zaai in najaar en zet buiten. Kiem volgt in de lente.
Plant-instructies: schaduw- en vochtminnend.
Waarschuwing: Gehele plant is giftig!
Sculptured, hood-like flowers, reminiscent of pixie hats, are borne in racemes above the lobed foliage during the summer. An easy to grow alternative to delphinium. Bees rummage in the flowers whilst butterflies hover above. Absolutely stunning.
Height: 100 cm.
Flowers: may-jun
Type: HP
Hardy in: zones zones 5-9 (-15 C)
Sowing instructions: Sow in autumn and put outside. Will germinate in spring.
Planting instructions: Moist soil in a shady spot
Warning: entire plant is toxic