Sorbus aucuparia - Lijsterbes (10-15)

€ 0,45

Hoogte: 12 m.

Bloeit: mei-jun

Type: HTr

Winterhard in: zones 3-9 (-25 C)


Beschrijving : De herfstkleur is geel tot oranjerood en valt samen met de, door vogels zeer geliefde, oranje bessen.


Zaai-instructies : zaai in herfst, zet buiten. Kiem in lente

Plant-instructies : vrijwel overal!





A small, fine tree with pretty pinnate leaflets that make a dense rounded tree when mature. It features white flowers and big round clusters of juicy orange berries in the autumn. These are loved by birds and can disappear quickly. This is a tree of simple fresh charm, unspoiled and natural looking.


Height: 12 m.

Flowers: may-jun

Type: HTr

Hardy in: zones 3-9 (-25 Celsius)


Sowing instructions: sow in autumn in a welldraining soil and put outside. Germination will occur in spring.


Planting instructions: Can be planted virtually everywhere, as long as it does not get water logged.