Ruscus aculeatus - Muizedoorn (5-10)

€ 0,45

Hoogte: 90 cm.
Bloeit: mrt-apr
Type: HHShr
Winterhard in: zones 6-10 (-10C)


Laagblijvende, tweehuizige struik met onopvallende groene bloempjes gevolgd door rozerode bessen. Medicinale plant.



Zaai-instructies : Zaai in najaar en zet buiten. Kiemt (onregelmatig) in voorjaar.
Plant-instructies : (Half)schaduw





This mysterious plant has rigid, branched stems bearing spiny leaves, and bears greenish flowers followed by pinkish red berries throughout the winter. For hundreds of years herbalists have used it in the treatment of various ailments.


Height: 90 cm.

Flowers: mrt-apr

Type: HHShr

Hardy in: zones 6-10 (-10C)


Sowing instructions: sow in autumn and put outside. Germinates (irregularly) in spring.


Planting instructions: (partial) shade