Robinia pseudoacacia (1-5)

€ 0,45

Hoogte: 10 m.

Bloeit: jun-jul

Type: HTr

Winterhard in: zones 4-9 (-20C)


Snelgroeiende, vrij open boom met samengesteld blad en zoetgeurende bloemen. Lokt bestuivende insecten.


Zaai-instructies: Zaden weken. Kiem in 1-5 wk, 22C.

Plant-instructies: Zon, halfschaduw

Waarschuwing: Delen van plant zijn giftig.




Description: A quick-growing, extremely tough, open-habit shade tree with compound leaves and fragrant white flowers attractive to bees. Few trees are said to cast a lovelier dappled shade.


Height: 10 m.

Flowers: jun-jul

Type: HTr

Hardy in: zones 4-9 (-20 Celsius)


Sowing instructions: seeds will usually germinate in 7-30 days. Normally will only germinate with light so surface sow on the surface of a well drained seed sowing mix at about 22 Celsius. Soak seeds in warm water, which should be changed daily. Most seeds swell up when they are soaked, those that do should be sown immediately. Seeds that don't swell can be gently scarified.


Planting instructions: Sun, partial shade