Prunus lusitanica - Portugese laurierbes (5)

€ 0,45

Hoogte: 450 cm.

Bloeit: jun-jul

Type: HHTr

Winterhard in: zones 5-9 (-15C)


Leerachtig, glanzend blad aan roodgekleurde stengels. Witte bloesems en zwarte vruchtjes.


Zaai-instructies: kiem in 1-4 mnd, 18-22C. Maak de pit voorzichtig open

Plant-instructies: zon.




Description: A beautiful, large evergreen shrub or small tree with dark brown bark, glossy dark green, leathery leaves and stems of a lavely deep rhubarb colour. A profusion of pretty racemes of fragrant, tiny white flowers, which are followed by small black cherries in fall. These are not edible for humans but birds love them a lot. Very suitable for heges, screens and windbreaks.


Height: 450 cm.

Flowers: jun-jul

Type: HHTr

Hardy in: zones 5-9 (-15 Celsius)


Sowing instructions: germinates in 1-4 months at 18-22 Celsius. Open the pit carefully.

Planting instructions: No special requiremens, full sun.