Pieris japonica - Rotsheide (15)

€ 0,45


Honderden urnvormige bloempjes in trossen die lang aanblijven. Een interessante struik voor in de (half)schaduw, mede door het vuurrode jonge blad. Combineert mooi met voorjaarsbollen.

Hoogte: 1-1,5 m.

Bloeit: mrt-apr

Type: HShr.

Winterhard in: zones 5-9 (-15 Celsius)

Zaai-instructies: kiemt in 30-70 dagen bij 18-23 Celsius. Lichtkiemer, dus zaden nauwelijks bedekken.

Plant-instructies: humusrijke, zure, niet te droge plek in de (half)schaduw



Wows with profuse numbers of urn-shaped blooms held in pendulous chains that remain for many weeks. One of the most exciting shade plants for early spring, this is a standout you must consider for border, foundation, or specimen use. Tall and somewhat open, with evergreen foliage that unfurls in spring with handsome bronze hues. Combines well with other Pieris, as well as with later-blooming shrubs such as Rhododendron and Deutzia. It is also a fine companion to spring-blooming bulbs.

Height: 1-1.5 m.

Flowers: mar-apr

Type: HShr

Hardy in: zones 5-9 (-15 Celsius)

Sowing instructions: germinates in 30-70ndays at 18-23 Celsius. Needs light to germinate, so barely cover the seeds.

Planting instructions: well-drained soil with protection from full sun