Dryas octopetala - Acht-ster (5-10)

€ 0,45

Hoogte: 15 cm.

Bloeit: mei-jun

Type: HShr

Winterhard in: zones 5-9 (-15 C)



Alpien, matvormend, wintergroen struikje. Het is een populaire bloem in rotstuinen.



Zaai-instructies: Zaai in najaar, zet buiten. Kiemt in lente.

Plant-instructies: Zon, goeddoorlatende grond




Eight-petalled flowers are produced above the dark green foliage on this evergreen sub-shrub in the early to midsummer. The flowers are followed by attractive white seed-heads that persist into winter. A delightful alpine that is relatively easy to grow if you give it very good drainage.



Height: 15 cm.

Flowers may-jun:

Type: HShr

Hardy in: zones 5-9 (-15 C)


Sowing instructions: Sow in autumn and put outside. Will germinate in spring.


Planting instructions: Grow in sharply-drained sandy soil in full sun to semi-shade.