Hylocereus polyrhizus - Drakenfruit (10)

€ 0,45

Kuipplant. Snelgroeiende cactus die redelijk wat water verdraagt. De vrucht is groot, heeft donkerrood vlees en is zoet en sappig.

Hoogte: 100 cm.
Bloeit: aug-sep
Type: HP
Winterhard in: zones 9-11 (5 Celsius)

Zaai-instructies: Kiemt bij 20-30 Celsius in 1-2 maanden. Zaai in mengsel van cocopeat en zand. Dek zaden nauwelijks af, anders gaan ze rotten.

Plant-instructies: Cactusaarde. Beschut op een warme en zonnige plaats.


Hylocereus is a wonderfull cacti capable of growing extremely fast. This is a tropical cactus that can take a lot of water, unlike most others. It is grown commercially for its valuable fruit, the Dragon Fruit. The fruit is often 15 cm long, 6 cm thick, with dark red flesh. It is a very sweet juicy fruit that has become very popular around the world.

Height: 100 cm.
Flowers: aug-sep
Type: HP
Hardy in: zones 9-11 (5 Celsius)

Sowing instructions: seeds germinate fairly easily. Mix a soil that can hold some moisture well, and mix with about 30% sand. Sow seeds on the surface of the soil, be sure not to bury them too deep or they may rot or may not even germinate. Keep them humid, by placing a clear plastic sheet over the container. Best germination is achieved with temps 20-30 degrees and under low light.

Planting instructions: Gritty soil in a sheltered, warm, sunny spot.