Salsola soda - Monniksbaard (15)

€ 0,45


Knapperig dikke, smakelijke, grasachtige blaadjes. Rauw in salades valt de zoutige smaak op. Kort koken tot het blad net verkleurt. Een beetje extra zout door het sproeiwater geeft meer smaak aan de plant!

Hoogte: 20 cm.

Bloeit: nvt

Type: TA

Winterhard in: zones 8-10 (0 Celsius)

Zaai-instructies: kieming is traag en zeer onregelmatig, in 3-8 weken bij 18-23 Celsius.

Plant-instructies: Niet veeleisend qua grond, wel voldoende water geven tijdens droogte.



Salsola has a beautiful candelabra shape and crisp, crunchy thin leaves. The whole plant is simply gathered in bunches when small and either boiled and eaten as a vegetable. Raw, it makes a really good addition to salads, slightly salty and crunchy. In a dry summer it will need water if you want plump leaves: a little fleece over the top of the plant is worthwhile if it's cool. The first frost tends to finish it off, but it seems unbothered by slugs (perhaps it's the salt in the leaves), other pests and diseases, making it an easy green to grow.

Height: 20 cm.

Flowers: n.a.

Type: TA

Hardy in: zones 8-10 (0 Celsius)

Sowing instructions: Germination is irregular and slow, in 3-8 weeks at 18-23 Celsius.

Planting instructions: Grows on most soils but should not dry out.