Phaseolus vulgaris "Merveille de Piedmont" - Stamboon (10-15)

€ 0,45


De peulen ziin geelgroen met purperen strepen en vlekken, en draadloos. Eet ze vers, als ze ca. 15 cm. lang zijn. Uitrijpen kan ook, de peulkleur wordt nog feller en de bonen paars gespikkeld.

Hoogte: 35 cm.

Type: TA

Winterhard in: zones 9-10-11 (5 Celsius)

Zaai-instructies: Zaai 4 cm. diep in potjes. Kiemt in 7-10 dagen bij 18-21 Celsius. Kan vanaf half mei ook buiten worden gezaaid.

Plant-instructies: Verwijder onkruid tussen de planten en geef regelmatig water en voeding



The pods are yellowish green with purple stripes and dots hand have no string. Eat the young, when about 15 cm. long. Or let them mature on the plant. The pods will then become very bright coloured and the beans will be covered in dots.

Height: 35 cm.

Type: TA

Hardy in: zones 9-10-11 (5 Celsius)

Sowing instructions: Sow seed 4cm deep in 7.5cm pots or trays of good seed compost. Place in a propagator or sealed container inside a polythene bag and place at 18-21 Celsius until after germination which takes 7-10 days. Can also be sown direct outdoors once the soil has warmed sufficiently. Sow in 15cm apart, 4cm deep.

Planting instructions: Hoe regularly and keep well watered, especially when flowering. Mulch during dry periods.