Phaseolus vulgaris "Black Bean" - Stokboon (10-15)

€ 0,45

Erg voedzaam. Goede vleesvervanger, want heeft veel eiwit, ijzer en vitamine B een. Zowel koud als warm smakelijk.

Hoogte : 180 cm.
Type : TA
Winterhard in : zones 9-11 (5 Celsius)

Zaai-instructies : Zaai 4 cm. diep in potjes. Kiemt in 7-10 dagen bij 18-21 C. Vanaf half mei ook buiten.

Plant-instructies : Geef regelmatig water en voeding


Black beans are packed with fiber and protein. That means they'll satisfy even the most intense hunger, and will keep you feeling full and energetic for hours. Black beans help to regulate your body's glucose level throughout the day, which means your metabolism will be chugging away at top speed, burning through any extra calories you've taken on so that you can stay slim and trim.  

Height : 180 cm.
Type : TA
Hardy in : zones 9-11 (5 Celsius)

Sowing instructions : Sow seed 4cm deep in 7.5cm pots or trays of good seed compost. Place in a propagator or sealed container inside a polythene bag and place at 18-21 Celsius until after germination which takes 7-10 days. Can also be sown direct outdoors once the soil has warmed sufficiently. Sow in 15cm apart, 4cm deep.

Planting instructions : Hoe regularly and keep well watered, especially when flowering. Mulch during dry periods.