Petroselinum crispum ssp. tuberosum -Wortelpeterselie (30)
Van deze soort is het de wortel die een heerlijk zacht aroma heeft. Snij blokjes door de soep of door de sla. Het blad heeft geen sterk aroma.
Hoogte: 60 cm.
Bloeit: mei-jun
Type: HB
Winterhard in: zones 5-9 (-15 Celsius)
Zaai-instructies: zaai buiten in mar-jul of binnen in aug-feb. Kiemt in ca. een maand bij 18-21 C.
Plant-instructies: niet te droge grond in volle zon of halfschaduw.
This is not actually a parsley in the true sense of the word - but very closely related. The bonus of this herb / vegetable is that during the summer months the leaves can be used just as you would Parsley - cut as and when your require. Come the autumn you can use the parsnip shaped roots and use in exactly the same way - as they are fairly hardy they can even be left in the ground and lifted as required until all but the hardest frosts. This really is a useful addition to the garden that deserves to be grown more.
Height: 60 cm.
Flowers: may-jun
Type: HB
Hardy in: zones 5-9 (-15 Celsius)
Sowing instructions: Direct sow seed outdoors from Mar to Jul. Grow in a well prepared seedbed in full sun or partial shade. Sow seeds thinly at a depth of 1cm in drills 30cm apart. Parsley seeds are very slow to germinate taking up to 28 days, especially in wet, cold soils. Seeds can also be sown indoors or under glass from Aug to Feb for fresh leaves all year round. Sow into pots of free-draining seed compost, maintaining a temperature of 18-21 C until after germination
Planting instructions: not too dry soil in full sun or partial shade