Lycopersicon lycopersicum "Violet Jasper" - Tomaat (5-10)

€ 0,45

Hoogte: 180 cm.

Type: TA

Winterhard in: zones 10-11 (5 C)


Zeer productieve soort. De vruchten hebben opvallende, bijna lichtgevende groene strepen. Ze zijn heel glad met donker, paarsrood vruchtvlees.


Zaai-instructies : kiem in 10-21 dgn, 18-27C

Plant-instructies : zon; vochtige grond; regelmatig voeden

Waarschuwing: Delen van plant zijn giftig




When these little Oriental jewels ripen, they have pretty violet-purple fruit with iridescent green streaks! Fruit are smooth and have good tasting, dark purplish-red flesh. This variety will also amaze you with its yield: it's not only high, but incredibly high, being one of the most productive tomatoes.


Height: 180 cm.

Type: TA

Hardy in: zones 10-11 (5 Celsius)


Sowing instructions: germinates in 10-21 days at 18-27 Celsius; sow in mar-apr (under cover) or apr-may (outside)

Planting instructions: full sun; keep soil moist or the fruits may crack; feed the plants with tomato fertiliser

Warning: some parts of the plant are poisenous if ingested