Lycopersicon lycopersicum "Clear pink early" - Tomaat (5-10)

€ 0,45

Hoogte: 120 cm.

Type: TA

Winterhard in: zones 10-11 (5 C)


De compacte plant zit tjokvol lange trossen met rose kerstomaatjes. Fijne, zoetzure smaak. Oude, Russischer soort.


Zaai-instructies : kiem in 10-21 dgn, 18-27C

Plant-instructies : zon; vochtige grond; regelmatig voeden

Waarschuwing: Delen van plant zijn giftig




This compact plant becomes loaded with long trusses of perfectly round, smooth beautiful clear pink tomatoes. The flavor is very good, sweet yet tangy, making this a wonderful addition to an early harvest. Heirloom variety of Russian origin.


Height: 120 cm.

Type: TA

Hardy in: zones 10-11 (5 Celsius)


Sowing instructions: germinates in 10-21 days at 18-27 Celsius; sow in mar-apr (under cover) or apr-may (outside)

Planting instructions: full sun; keep soil moist or the fruits may crack; feed the plants with tomato fertiliser

Warning: some parts of the plant are poisenous if ingested