Lepidium meyenii - Maca (5-10)
Zeker geen alledaags landbouwgewas en je zal ?m in de groentenwinkel niet vinden. Versterkende eigenschappen. De wortel kan worden gegeten (oogsten na 6-7 maanden). Er wordt ook een poeder van gemaakt, als voedingssupplement. Vers eten is echter beter!
Hoogte: 15 cm.
Bloeit: onbekend
Type: HB
Winterhard in: zones 0 tot 11 (-40 Celsius)
Zaai-instructies: Kiemt in 30-60 dagen bij ca. 20 Celsius. Indien geen kieming: koudebehandeling geven.
Plant-instructies: Goeddoorlatende grond. Regelmatig mest geven. Zon of halfschaduw.
Lepidium meyenii is an herbaceous, low-growing, rosette-like plant of frilly leaves with an enlarged tuberous, fleshy underground organ formed by the taproot and the lower part of the hypocotyl. For centuries, ancient Peruvians have used Lepidium meyenii due to its great health benefits. Archeological evidence has been found that Lepidium meyenii was domesticated over 2000 years ago and now it?s becoming in one of the most popular herbs worldwide
Height: 15 cm.
Flowers: unknown
Type: HB
Hardy in: zones 0 to 11 (-40 Celsius)
Sowing instructions: Germinates in 30-60 days at about 20 Celsius. If no germination occurs seeds need to be stratified.
Planting instructions: Well drained soil. Feed regularly. Sun or partial shade.