Lactuca sativa "Ice Queen" - Bataviasla (30)

€ 0,45


Typisch Frans historisch ras maar nog steeds populair. Zeker nu de potager furore maakt. Dit ras kan goed tegen hete zomers, heeft prachtig diepgezaagd blad en is donkergroen van kleur.

Hoogte: 20 cm.

Type: HHA

Winterhard in: zones 8-10 (0 Celsius)

Zaai-instructies: Zaai in apr-mei (binnen of buiten). Kiemt in 5-15 dagen bij 13-20 Celsius.

Plant-instructies: Koele, vochtige, compostrijke grond. Halfschaduw.



Typical French heirloom but still popular, especially as the potager is gaining terrain. This variety is good for hot summers and has beautifully formed, dark green leaves.

Height: 20 cm.

Type: HHA

Hardy in: zones 8-10 (0 Celsius)

Sowing instructions: Sow thinly from spring to mid summer 6mm deep in drills 38cm apart. In very hot weather it's best to water the soil before sowing and to make sowings during the early afternoon.

Planting instructions: A moist well drained soil which has had plenty of compost during the previous autumn is best.