Cucurbita maxima "Jack 'o Lantern" – Pompoen (5)
Hoogte: 300 cm.
Bloeit: jul-sep
Type: TA
Winterhard in: zones 9-11 (5C)
Soort die meestal voor Halloween gebruikt wordt. De vruchten kleuren pas tijdens de afrijping van groen naar oranje en wegen ca. 3 kg
Zaai-instructies: Kiem in 5-10 dg, 21-25C
Plant-instructies: Regelmatig voeding/water geven. Zon
Variety that is usually used for Halloween. The fruits only color from green to orange during ripening and weigh approx. 3 kg
Height: 300 cm.
Flowers: jul-sep
Type: TA
Hardy in: zones 9-10-11 (5 Celsius)
Sowing instructions: Sow seed in 7.5cm pots of good seed compost at 21-25C. Place in a propagator or seal container in a polythene bag until after germination which takes 5-7 days. Can also be sown direct outdoors once the soil has warmed. Do not sow in cold soils. Sow 2 seeds every 90cm and thin out to the best seedling. Ideally grow under cloches until the plant is established.
Planting instructions: Keep well watered throughout the season. Feed and mulch regularly. Full sun.