Chenopodium album - Melganzevoet (30)
€ 0,45
Hoogte: 60-200 cm.
Type: HA
Winterhard in: zones 6-9 (-10 C)
De jonge plantjes kun je gebruiken als spinazie. Van de zaden wordt meel gemaakt.
Zaai-instructies: Ter plekke (mei)
Plant-instructies: Doet het overal!
Young tender plants are a pleasant spinach substitute when boiled and served with butter. Rich source of vitamins A and C.
Height: 60-200 cm.
Type: HA
Hardy in: zones 6-9 (-10 Celsius)
Sowing instructions: Sow outdoors where they are to flower during May once the soil has warmed. Keep moist until after germination and thin out to 30 cm apart.
Planting instructions: grows everywhere!