Brassica oleracea botrytis 'Purple Sprouting' - Broccoli (20)

€ 0,45

Winter-broccoli, geeft een overvloed aan purperen knoppen. Oogstbaar van februari tot april in het jaar volgend op de zaai.

Height: 90 cm.
Type: TB
Hardy in: zones 8-9-10 (0 Celsius)

Zaai-instructies: Zaai in apr-jun, 1 cm. diep in rijen op 23 cm. Bemest de grond voor je zaait.

Plant-instructies: Voedselrijke vochtige bodem. Regelmatig water en voeding geven. Onkruidvrij houden.


An outstanding breed allowing an abundance of quality purple spears to be picked from early summer right through to late autumn. Requires no cold stimulus to produce its traditional tasting spears.

Height: 90 cm.
Type: TB
Hardy in: zones 8-9-10 (0 Celsius)

Sowing instructions: Sow Apr-Jun. Sow 1cm deep in drills 23cm apart in soil which has been raked to a fine tilth and which contains plenty of compost or manure.

Planting instructions: Prefers a moist, rich, well-drained soil. Water regularly, especially in dry periods. Hoe between plants and give liquid feed as heads develop.