Toona sinensis - Chinese Toonboom (1-5)

€ 0,45

EUR 0.35


Hoogte: 12 m.

Bloeit: jun-jul

Type: HTr

Winterhard in: zones 5-9 (-15C)


Ovale tot schermvormige kroon. Jonge scheuten zijn lekker in salades en als roerbak, Smaak: nootachtig en romig, ui-achtig. Geneeskrachtig. Bloei is onopvallend; de gestreepte, afbladderende schors wel!


Zaai-instructies: Kiem in 4-8 wk, 20-25C.

Plant-instructies: Voedzame grond, zon/halfschaduw




Description: fresh young leaves and shoots are edible, highly nutritious, and a popular aromatic vegetable in China. Chinese toon shoots and leaves are excellent in stir fries, especially with egg, and for pickling and seasoning. The flavour resembles onions, with rich aromatic overtones. In Chinese medicine the fruit, bark, and leaves are used for diarrhea, dysentery, flatulence, and various other uses.


Height: 12 m.

Flowers: jun-jul

Type: HTr

Hardy in: zones 5-9 (-15 Celsius)


Sowing instructions: The optimal germination temperature for toona sinensis is 25 C°. Soaking the seeds for 24 hours in room temperature water will greatly help with germination.

Planting instructions: Rich soil, sun/partial shade.