Senna auriculata (1-5)

€ 0,45

Hoogte: 150 cm.

Bloeit: jun-sep

Type: TShr.

Winterhard in: zones 7-11 (-5C)


Beschrijving: Kuipplant. De wortel wordt gebruikt tegen koorts, diabetes en blaasontsteking. Werkt laxerend.


Zaai-instructies: kerf en week zaden. Kiem in 1-3 mnd, 20-25C

Plant-instructies: Zon, niet te nat





In Ayurveda, the root of this plant is used in a decoction for fevers, diabetes, diseases of the urinary system and constipation. The leaves have laxative properties. The dried flower and flower buds are used as substitute.


Height: 150 cm.

Flowers: jun-sep

Type: TShr.

Hardy in: zones 7-11 (-5 Celsius)


Sowing instructions: Scarify and soak seeds. Germination occurs within 30-90 dagen at 20-25 Celsius.


Planting instructions: Moderately well-drained soil, in full sun. Tolerates drought and frost, although heavy frost may damage tips