Schefflera arboricola - Vingerplant (5)
Hoogte: 6 m.
Bloeit: mrt-apr
Type: TShr
Winterhard in: zones 9-11 (5 C)
Beschrijving : Robuuste kuip- of kamerplant met groenblijvend blad en mooie bessen.
Zaai-instructies : kiemt in 3-4 wk; 20-23C
Plant-instructies : licht maar niet in de zon; vochtig
Waarschuwing : plant is giftig
A large, climbing/scrambling shrub with long, sparsely branching shoots and palmate leaves with usually 7 to 9 leaflets. The terminal inflorescences hold attractive fruits that ripen from yellow to purple. It is widely popular in the tropics and in warm temperate regions as a landscaping plant and widely grown as a robust indoor plant. It is originally native to the islands of Taiwan and Hainan, where it grows in rainforests.
Height: 6 m.
Flowers: mar-apr
Type: TShr
Hardy in: zones 9-11 (5 Celsius)
Sowing instructions: seeds will usually germinate in 20-30 days. Sow seeds about 2mm deep in a Peaty seed sowing mix at about 23 Celsius.
Planting instructions: Lots of light but no full sun. Soil must not get dry.
Warning : entire plant is poisonous if ingested