Richea dracophylla (1-5)

€ 0,45

Hoogte: 5 m.

Bloeit: jun-jul

Type: TShr

Winterhard in: zones 8-10 (0C)


Fraaie kuipplant met palm-achtig blad en een slanke bloeivorm met witte bloemen met hier en daar een rood schutblad.


Zaai-instructies: Kiem in 4-24 wk, 20-23C. Lichtkiemer.

Plant-instructies: Zure grond, halfschaduw, beschut.




Description: highly ornamental, palmlike shrub found in wet forests in southeastern Tasmania. It grows slender, sparsely branched stems that hold terminal whorls of long, arched, narrow, pointed leaves. The very conspicuous inflorescences produces clusters of white-cream flowers, interspersed with reddish bracteal leaves.


Height: 5 m.

Flowers: jun-juyl

Type: TShr

Hardy in: zones 8-10 (0 Celsius)


Sowing instructions: Germinates in 4-24 weeeks at 20-23 Celsius. Needs light to germinate so do not cover the seeds!


Planting instructions: Acidic soil, partial shade