Puya mirabilis (5)

€ 0,45

Hoogte: 150 cm.

Bloeit: apr-mei

Type: HHP

Winterhard in: zones 7-10 (-5C)


Groengele trompetbloemen, populair bij insecten, aan sterke stelen boven rozetten van dik, stekelig blad.


Zaai-instructies: Lichtkiemer. Zaden weken. Kiem in ca. 1 mnd. 18-23 C.

Plant-instructies: Droge grond, met grit, niet zuur. Beschut. Zon, halfschaduw.




Description: Exotic, flaring, lime-green bells, loved by butterflies and bees, open on stiff upright stems which erupt in early spring from relatively small rosettes of thick, spiny foliage. This is probably the quickest to bloom of all puyas, often in only a year after planting, whereas some puyas can take several years to blossom.


Height: 150 cm.

Flowers: apr-may

Type: HHP

Hardy in: zones 7-10 (-5 Celsius)


Sowing instructions: Soak seeds in water for 24 hours or so. Carefully pour water off - perhaps through a coffee filter- and blot dry so you can actually sow them easily. Scatter seed evenly on the soil surface. The seeds need light to germinate so don't cover them after sowing. Germination takes about 1 month.


Planting instructions: dry, free-draining, gritty, alkaline soil. Sheltered spot. Sun, partial shade.