Passiflora suberosa - Passiebloem (5)

€ 0,45


Kuipplant. Enkele bloemen om de 10-15 cm langs de ranken. Bloem en blad is geelgroen. Het hele jaar door honderden bloemetjes en paarse, kersgrote vruchtjes.

Hoogte: 2 m.

Bloeit: jaarrond

Type: TP

Winterhard in: zones 8-11 (0 Celsius)

Zaai-instructies: Feb-mei. Week de zaden eerst 1 dag in melk, vervolgens zaaien in een luchtig mengsel van 3/4 gezeefde turfmolm en 1/4 gewassen zand. Kiemt bij 20-25 Celsius. Dit kan maanden duren!

Plant-instructies: In mengsel van 3/4 gezeefde turfmolm en 1/4 gewassen zand. Op vensterbank of in serre/kas



The flowers on this plant usually grow as a single blossom every 10-15 cm. down the stem with very light greenish petals and light yellow filaments and a white center. This vine produced hundreds of these beautiful blossoms during this past summer which in turn produce many tiny cherry-like deep purple passion fruits.

Height: 2 m.

Flowers: all year

Type: TP

Hardy in: zones 8-11 (0 Celsius)

Sowing instructions: Sow in trays, pots, etc of good seed compost in a propagator or warm place to maintain an optimum temperature of 20-5-20C. Soak seed in milk for 24 hours prior to sowing. Then sow immediately in trays, pots, etc. of good seed compost. Germination is slow. Seal the seed container after sowing in a polythene bag and place in a temperature of 21C for 3 months. Keep the compost moist but not over wet. If germination does not occur by the end of this time transfer to a fridge (not freezer) for 3-5 months. At the end of this period return to 21C (70F) when germination should occur in around 3 months

Planting instructions: Good seed compost, mixed with a little sand. On window sill or in greenhouse