Parkinsonia microphylla (1-5)
Hoogte : 200 cm.
Bloeit : mei-jun
Type : TShr
Winterhard in : zones 8-11 (0 C)
Beschrijving :
Kuipplant. Gele bloemen sieren de boom. Ze worden gevolgd door snoervormige peulen.
Zaai-instructies : Keep voorzichtig in. Kiemt in 3-6 mnd, 18-25C
Plant-instructies: Zeer goed doorlatende grond, volle zon
Description : Endemic to dry regions, such as savannas and scrublands, of Africa, Central America, and Southern North America. The common name Palo Verde comes from its green bark, which is able to photosynthesize. Palo Verde is Spanish for green stick.
Height : 200 cm.
Flowers : may-jun
Type : TShr
Hardy in : zones 8-11 (0 Celsius)
Sowing instructions : Seeds must be scarified. Germinates in 30-180 days at 18-25 Celsius.
Planting instructions : Well drained soil and full sun.