Ornithogalum longibracteatum - Vogelmelk (5-10)
Hoogte : 1 m.
Bloeit : jun-aug
Type : TBlb
Winterhard in : zones 9-10 (5C)
Beschrijving :
Merkwaardige plant uit Zuid-Afrika. De bol staat op de grond. Brede, krullende bladen en witte bloemen.
Zaai-instructies : Kiemt in 1-3 maanden, 15-18C.
Plant-instructies : Zeer goeddoorlatende grond, halfschaduw
Waarschuwing : Delen van de plant zijn giftig
Description :
An oddity from South Africa. Actually, it is a lily with a huge bulb that sits on top of the soil. Broad curling leaves stand high and cascade down. This is a great plant for a container and it does beautifully indoors.
Height : 1 m.
Flowers : jun-aug
Type : TBlb
Hardy in : zones 9-10 (5C)
Sowing instructions : seeds will usually germinate in 30-180 days, even under good conditions germination may be erratic. Sow seeds about 2mm deep in a peaty seed sowing mix at about 15-20C
Planting instructions : Very well draining soil, partial shade
Warning : parts of the plant are poisonous