Leptospermum laevigatum - Manuka (10)

€ 0,45


Gebruik deze plant als solitaire boom of als heg. Fijne textuur en bloemen. Er kan een medicinale thee van worden gezet.

Hoogte: 200 cm.

Bloeit: jul-sep

Type: TShr

Winterhard in: zones 8-9-10-11 (0 Celsius)

Zaai-instructies: kieming vindt plaats binnen 30-180 dagen bij 15 Celsius, kiemt onregelmatig. Zaai in jan-feb.

Plant-instructies: Stelt weinig eisen aan de bodem. Houd deze wel vochtig! Volle zon en v??l licht. Snoeien om houtvorming te voorkomen



Grow one big craggy-trunked tea tree or plant several close together for a terrific windbreaking thicket. Choose Leptospermum laevigatum for its fine texture and flowers. Early Australian settlers used to soak the leaves in boiling water to make a herbal tea rich in ascorbic acid.

Height: 200 cm.

Flowers: jul-sep

Type: Tshr

Hardy in: zones 8-9-10-11 (0 Celsius)

Sowing instructions: seeds will usually germinate in 30-180 days, germination may be erratic. Sow seeds about 2mm deep in a peaty seed sowing mix at about 15 Celsius

Planting instructions: Cultivation presents few problems. It adapts well to a variety of soil types. Full sun is preferred as it needs lots of light. If kept indoors, requires a very bright location for survival. Keep uniformly moist as it is touchy about watering. Pruning after flowering improves the vigour of most species and tends to avoid a woody appearance