Crassula rogersii - Jadeplant (5-10)

€ 0,45

Hoogte: 25 cm.

Bloeit: dec-jan

Type: TShr

Winterhard in: zones 10-11 (5C)


Kuipplant. Schattig met zijn rode stengels en sappig blad. Geef hem een zonnig plekje, dan krijgt hij rode topjes aan het blad. Bloei is oninteressant.


Zaai-instructies : Zaai in cactusgrond. Niet afdekken. Kiem in 1-3 mnd bij ca. 21C.

Plant-instructies : Zon, droge grond.





a small, branched succulent, with fleshy red stems and club-shaped leaves. The leaves are covered with short white hairs giving them a velvety appearance and a felt-like texture. The plant remains green in shady spots but is at its best with plenty of sunlight, where the leaves become tipped with red. Flowers are pale yellow, star-shaped, held in small clusters at the end of thin stems.


Height: 25 cm.

Flowers: nov-mrt

Type: TShr

Hardy in: zones 10-11 (5C)


Sowing instructions: will usually germinate in 30-90 days, even under good conditions germination may be erratic. Do not cover seeds. Sow on the surface of a soil especially meant for cacti. Will germinate at about 22 Celsius.


Planting instructions: Full sun, dry soil.