Cistus incanus - Cistusroos (5-10)

€ 0,45


Kuipplant. Mediterane, wintergroene struik met gekreukelde, roos-achtige bloemen. Zeer sterke plant die eigenlijk alleen aan nattigheid ten onder gaat.

Hoogte: 100 cm.

Bloeit: jun-jul

Type: TShr

Winterhard in: zones 9-10-11 (5 Celsius)

Zaai-instructies: Kiemt in 7-30 dagen bij ca. 20 Celsius. Lichtkiemer, dus zaden niet bedekken.

Plant-instructies: Verdraagt veel droogte en schrale grond. Haat natte voeten!



Native to the Mediterranean region, these evergreen, spring- and summer-blooming shrubs are perfect for sunny, dry or hot situations and seashore plantings. Leaves vary in size and shape, but blooms are single and rose-like. Needs little attention except for cutting back occasionally. Plant in masses in rock gardens or as a bank cover, as they help control erosion.

Height: 100 cm.

Flowers: jun-jul

Type: TShr

Hardy in: zones 9-10-11 (5 Celsius)

Sowing instructions: will usually germinate in 7-30 days. Normally will only germinate with light. Sow seeds on the surface of a peaty seed sowing mix at about 20°C and don?t cover the seeds

Planting instructions: Fast-growing and fire-resistant, they tolerate drought and poor soils. Excellent drainage is essential to prevent root rot.