Cassia hebecarpa (5)

€ 0,45




Cassia hebecarpa

EUR 0.40


Beschrijving: Trossen botergele bloemen verschijnen op robuuste takken. Het aantrekkelijke blad is typerend voor de vlinderbloemigen waartoe de plant behoort. De bruine peulen maken de plant ook in de winter interessant. Vogels snoepen graag van de zaden. Deze plant hoort thuis in een diervriendelijke tuin! Hoogte: 150 cm. Bloeit: jul-sep Type: HShr Winterhard in: zones 5-6-7-8-9 (-15 Celsius) Zaai-instructies: Zaaien kan het hele jaar door. Kieming vindt plaats in 20-60 dagen bij ca. 20 Celsius. Kerf en week de zaden. Plant-instructies: Geef hem de ruimte. Houdt van kleigrond en verdraagt veel nattigheid. Jonge planten vorstvrij overwinteren. -------------------------------------- Description: Bunches of butter-yellow flowers appear on the robust stems.The attractive foliage is borne in large leaflets, typical of the Pea Family to which it belongs.The brown seedpods add interest in the fall and winter and are utilized by birds and other wildlife. Be sure to include Wild Senna in your wildlife plantings! Height: 150 cm. Flowers: jul-sep Type: HShr Hardy in: zones 5-6-7-8-9 (-15 Celsius) Sowing instructions: Prior to sowing scarify seed (e.g. carefully scratch the seed coat with fine sandpaper) and soak them in luke warm water for some 48h. Sow flat at some 20 Celsius in well drained soil in a sunny spot throughout the year. Planting instructions: Give this plant some room to spread out and it will repay you with an exuberance of foliage and blooms. Particularly fond of clay, it does well in medium to damp soils. Will tolerate periodic flooding. Keep seedlings preferably frostfree for the first two years. In winter place pots at some 5?C and reduce watering to a minimum. Then transplant to the garden at the end of spring.