Camptotheca acuminata - Levensboom (1-5)
Hoogte: 12 m.
Bloeit: jun-sep
Type: TTr
Winterhard in: zones 10-11 (10 C)
Kuipplant. Stam/bast/bladeren bevatten camptothecine. Daar worden al sinds oudsher kanker en andere kwalen mee behandeld.
Zaai-instructies: Kiem in 1-3 mnd, 18-23C. Geen kiem? Koudebehandeling!
Plant-instructies: Zon, halfschaduw
Description: Trunk, bark and leaves contain camptothecine, which is used to treat cancer and other diseases. Stems from China, where it is called Happy Tree.
Height: 12 m.
Flowers: jun-sep
Type: Ttr
Hardy in: zones 10-11 (10 Celsius)
Sowing instructions: Plant in a well draining soil mixture. Keep warm and lightly moist, not wet. Bright light. Temperature between 18-23 Celsius. This takes 1-3 months. If no germination occurs, seeds need to be stratified.
Planting instructions: Sun, partial shade