Bromelia "pinguin" (1-5)
Hoogte: 1 m.
Bloeit: jul-aug
Type: TP
Winterhard in: zones 8-11 (0 C)
Kuipplant. Grote, compacte rozetten met bloemstengels waaraan soms wel 100 rozerode bloemen komen.
Zaai-instructies: Kiemt min. 2 wk, 20-22C. Strooi uit op orchideeën-grond. Dit moet vochtig blijven. Lichtkiemer.
Plant-instructies: Zon/halfschaduw
Description: The Pinguin, native to tropical America, produces a compact rosette that may contain as many as 40 leaves. The youngest leaves are pinkish while the flower is developing. The flower stem has up to 100 pinkish red flowers. The main rosette dies after blooming.
Height: 1 m.
Flowers: jul-aug
Type: TP
Hardy in: : zones 8-11 (0 Celsius)
Sowing instructions: It is important to use a soilless potting medium. The potting medium should be able to retain moisture well. A mixture of half peat moss and half vermiculite is recommended. Orchid mixes will also work well. Bromeliads often prefer their growing medium slightly acidic. Sphagnum peat moss should provide some acidity. Any soilless mixture should work as long as it is sterile. Sprinkle the seeds directly on top of the potting medium. It is very important that you do not cover or bury the seeds with soil mix. Potting medium should not dry out.
Planting instructions: sun, partial shade.