Glycyrrhiza yunnanensis - Chinees Zoethout (5-10)
Hoogte: 125 cm.
Bloeit: jun-jul
Type: HP
Winterhard in: zones 6-11 (-10C)
Na de bloei drogen de bloemen in tot kleine stekelige zaaddozen die de hele winter aanblijven. Geneesplant.
Zaai-instructies: Zaai in herfst, zet buiten. Kiem in lente
Plant-instructies: Zon.
This plant will reward you with a long season of curious charm! Itis a resilient hardy perennial with plenty to give – fine pinnate leaves adorn slender, woody, upright stems from spring to autumn, coupled with pale purple flower clusters in early summer. From late summer the old flowers form fuzzy green seedheads, which develop a pinkish-purple hue in autumn. Once the seedheads have been through the purple fuzzy phase they dry out into spiky golden-brown balls which last over winter as pretty frost-catchers and hidey-holes for insects.
Height: 125 cm.
Flowers: jun-jul
Type: HP
Hardy in: zones 6-11 (-10C)
Sowing instructions: Seeds need a few weeks of stratification.
Planting instructions: Full sunl.